Note |
Only read the following step if your technical account manager didn’t already provide an Implementation type to follow, otherwise continue there. |
Choose an Implementation Type
Single Tag Implementation
This is what you are looking for? continue here → https://refinery89.atlassian.net/wiki/x/HgCVTQ
This Implementation provides a way that with minimal code you can remotely control where and how to show the ad inventory.
You will have full remote control over Ad Inventory configurations and with the addition of tags to your wrapper, you will have where you show the inventory.
This is the easiest monetization setup, because all configurations for the Units are done in the Remote Server, you just need to add the tags on the “white spaces of your app” where you might or might not place ads, so no need to manually request request the ads in those places.
This option is recommended under the following circumstances:
You App is native and you are able to add tags to your views
Wants to Disable and enable Inventory slots without updating the application.
Wants tos Edit the ad units remotely over the web without updating the application.
Wants to Change Formats, slot place, sizes, etc.