Configure you gradle build scripts
Add the app permissions to the manifest
Add the google app id to the manifest
Continue with Implementation type
1. Gradle Configuration
Gradle Buildscript
Project Level settings.gradle file :
Code Block | ||
| ||
dependencies { implementation ("com.refinery89.androidsdk:sharedCore-android:X.Y.Z") } |
Gradle Version catalogs
in app/module level build gralde:
Code Block |
dependencies {
implementation (libs.r89sdk)
} |
and in libs.versions
Code Block |
r89sdk = "X.Y.Z"
r89sdk = { module = "com.refinery89.androidsdk:sharedCore-android", version.ref = "r89sdk" } |
2. Manifest Permissions
Add the following Permissions for SDK on the top of the manifest file:
Info |
This implementation is designed for situations where the Single tag might not align with your requirements, but you can still leverage the benefits of remote inventory configuration. You can see an example in Android Demo Applications |
Manual configuration means that you have remote control of General Ad Settings over the web or our tech support, but you need to add the ads manually, so instead of just placing the tags you need to create a wrapper and use it to do a request for the format that you want.
Note |
Remember that you should be using our CMP also in web so consent data can be understood. |
Note |
If you are placing the all or some ads natively, meaning that the actions on the web view trigger native code through some kind of javascript interface, then we recommend using Manual Implementation or if you are displaying some ads inside the webview and others in the native app you can use this implementation type and manual together. |
Comparison table