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Table of Contents



  2. iOS Get Started

  3. iOS Manual Implementation

You can show interstitials in many different places but we are going to discuss not where but how to show it. But first, let’s explain a crucial concept.



interstitial explained


afterInterstitial is the event that is mandatory to pass to the Factory because is the one in charge of (No matter what) telling you, you can recover app flow. Because normally when you are about to call the show() method you prevent the user from taking any actions that could interrupt the interstitial or break app flow.

So for recovering this app flow and giving back control to the user you can use this event.

To reiterate, this is not passed as a separated separate object like the other Events because is mandatory to handle what happens after an Interstitial is closed. This is invoked in the SDK when:

  • Everything went right and the user just closed the full-screen ad.

  • The ad hasn't loaded yet and you tried to show it.

  • The ad has been Invalidated and you tried to show it. Gets invalidated when:

    • Fails to load.

    • Already shown.

    • Too Long without showing it.

  • The ad failed to show.

Load → wait →


show on



This way is much more efficient since the show is immediate as the user performs the actionacts.

So consider a scenario where a button click triggers an Interstitial and, subsequently, the NewActivity NewViewController is launched or presented from MainActivitythe MainViewController.


Load then wait for the user to take an action on your app

Code Block
    class MainViewController: UiViewControlelr {
      var interstitialId:Int32 = -1;
      override func viewDidLoad() {
          let interstitialAdIdinterstitialConfigId = ConfigBuilder.companion.INTERSTITIAL_TEST_R89_CONFIG_ID
          interstitialId = RefineryAdFactory.shared.createInterstitial(
          configurationID: interstitialAdId,
          uiViewController: self, 
          afterInterstitial: {
            // Here you could present the next view controller. Basically recover app flow
            self.present(NewViewController(), animated: true)
          },lifecycleCallbacks: nil)

Your interstitialConfigId will be provided to you during onboarding process by email, you can also retrieve them from the web interface after login.

They can be many or none depending on your requests, if you need one or more please request them to your account manager or technical account manager.

Show on button press

Some event takes place in your app, such as a button press, tab change opening a link, or screen transition.


If the Interstitial hasn’t Loaded yet or failed to load when you call method, afterInterstitial event will be called to recover app flow.

Code Block
class MainViewController: UiViewControlelr {
      var interstitialId:Int32 = -1;
      override func viewDidLoad() {
          interstitialId = RefineryAdFactory.shared.createInterstitial(...)
          // Set up an action on uiButton to display loaded interstitial with it's interstitialId. 
          uiButton.addAction(UIAction(handler: {_ in
          }), for: .touchUpInside)

Load & show on the event


This will increase the time it takes to show the interstitial and then recover app flow.

Because its making the ad request when the user takes the action. You should use the previous approach where we make the request and store the ad Id for instant showing it when the user performs the actions.

This is how we use Interstitial we use in demos because it’s pretty good at showing that it works but nothing more.

Code Block
class MainViewController: UiViewController {
      override func viewDidLoad() {
          // Set up an action on uiButton to display loaded interstitial with it's interstitialId. 
          uiButton.addAction(UIAction(handler: {_ in
          }), for: .touchUpInside)
Code Block
class MainViewController: UiViewControlelr {
      override func viewDidLoad() { ... }
      func createInterstitial(){
        let interstitialConfigId = ConfigBuilder.companion.INTERSTITIAL_TEST_R89_CONFIG_ID
        interstitialId = RefineryAdFactory.shared.createInterstitial(
        configurationID: interstitialConfigId, 
 // Example       uiViewController: self, 
        afterInterstitial: {
            // Here the navigation flow continus
            self.present(NewViewController(), animated: true)
        lifecycleCallbacks: InterstitialEventListenerDelegate(viewController: self))
    },lifecycleCallbacks: nil)
class InterstitialEventListenerDelegate : InterstitialEventListener {
    let viewController:LunchScreenViewController
    init(viewController: LunchScreenViewController) {
        self.viewController = viewController
    // We need to call show on the onLoaded event and on the OnFailedToLoad event,
    // this is to show the ad in both cases so the afterInterstitial event is called
    override func onLoaded() { viewController.interstitialId)
    override  }func onFailedToLoad(error: R89LoadError) { viewController.interstitialId)

Your interstitialConfigId will be provided to you during onboarding process by email, you can also retrieve them from the web interface after login.

They can be many or none depending on your requests, if you need one or more please request them to your account manager or technical account manager.

Lifecycle events

You can subscribe to these events with the same method but passing a new object as a parameter. Details about this object can be found in the Reference.

OnClose is not present because we have an after-interstitial event that is mandatory to pass as a parameter to RefineryAdFactory.shared.createInterstitial(:afterInterstitial)and holds the same functionality as OnClose with special cases.