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Before moving on with this feature, remember that you can request cosmetic & technical changes to your assigned R89 CMP by contacting your technical account manager or you account manager.

  1. Use Disable the disable CMP method

Code Block
  1. Use R89SDK.shared.initialize() just after the user interaction of your CMP ends.
    A CMP user interaction ends when the user accepts consent, rejects consent, saves custom consent settings, consent fails to show or to resolve consent, you could identify this happening because the Consent Screen/layer closes/dismisses, you need to have an event/callback that tells you this has just happened and inside that callback call the initialize method. Make sure you call the initialize method in the UI Thread.


To tell If you did everything correctly you should use the R89SDK.shared.setLogLevel(level: LogLevels.DEBUGdebug) to see this logs in this order in the console.

  1. CMP is disabled → Means R89 CMP is not going to show.

  2. CMP was used previous to initializing the R89 Monetization → we detected a CMP compatible with TCF 2.0 is being used.

  3. CMP data is up to date → consent is updated with in the regulatory year.

If you don’t see this logs you are probably seeing this one of these:
