Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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  1. Add The initialization code.

  2. Create the Channel between web and native with R89SDK.shared.configureWebView() method.

  3. Use R89SDK.shared.loadUrlWithConsentDataOrWait() to load your urls URLs into the webviewweb view.

  4. Test everything is working.

  5. Change everything to production codcode.

  6. Your app is now prepared for monetization with us.



We require the SDK to be initialized only once as early as possible so for this purpose using the UIApplicationDelegate’s didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method or the first UIViewController’s viewDidLoad method is recomended.

Override the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions delegate method inside your UIApplicationDelegate class UIApplicationDelegate.application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method.

Code Block
import UIKit
import R89SDK

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // This is for testing purposes, remove it on prod
        R89SDK.shared.setLogLevel(level: LogLevels.debug)
        // This is for testing purposes, remove it on prod
        R89SDK.shared.setDebug() // This is for testing purposes, remove it on prod
        // publisherId and appId are for testing purposes, remove it on prod
          publisherId: "TestRefinery89ID", /* This is for testing purposes, change it on prod */
          appId: "TestDemoApp", /* This is for testing purposes, change it on prod */
          singleLine: false,
          publisherInitializationEvents: nil
        return true



If you want to have native ads to be triggered from the webview we recommend using the manual configuration alongside some kind of javascript interface implemented in the web side to trigger native code, although first finish this whole guide and then go to the manual

Create the



Right after Initialization, you should use the following methods

Code Block
import UIKit
import R89SDK
import WebKit

class ViewController: UIViewController, WKNavigationDelegate {
    @IBOutlet var wkWebView: WKWebView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let url = <YOUR-URL>
        wkWebView.navigationDelegate = self
        // This helps the channel to identify this as an app
        let userAgent = R89SDK.shared.getUserAgent(
                          webView: wkWebView, 
                          siteName: <YOUR-SITE-NAME>)
        R89SDK.shared.configureWebView(webView: wkWebView, userAgent: userAgent)


Use the following method to replace any webview.load() methods method usages you might have

Code Block
R89SDK.shared.loadUrlWithConsentDataOrWait(webView: wkWebView, url: url)

This url must only be the urls related to you content, or own. Other urls can be loaded normally. with webview.loadUrl()

Go into production

  • Remove the methods R89SDK.shared.setDebug().

  • Change the Google app ID GADApplicationIdentifier in the manifest info.plist for the production one.

  • Change the appId and publisherId in the initialization method for the production ones.

  • Change the r89ConfigId in the formats for the production ones.

  • it’s also recommended to remove R89SDK.shared.setLogLevel(level: LogLevels.DEBUGdebug) but not needed.

How does it work?

Works by creating a channel linking our SDK to your current in-web monetization solutions. This channel just makes sure that the ad units on the web know that the current environment is app and also sends the consent data so you get the same consent on both sides complying with privacy policies.
