All the demos have examples for all the AdFormats documented.
Each demo is a demo for each Implementation Type and how they are configured from the point of view of a Publisher.
Please, keep in mind they have been done for the purpose of showcasing the solution and and may not be optimized or with correct design patterns.
Single Tag Demo
Repo Link to check the demos' fork and clone the repo and test the apps locally.
This demo showcases the use of /wiki/spaces/R8P/pages/529367068 and Triggers. There are wrappers in all Activities and Fragments, also an Interstitial triggered each time to switch from fragment to fragment or from activity to activity.
If required for showcasing for each special format, there will be an activity for each one, such as Infinite Scroll. These do not have any more formats than the one it’s suppose to show.
Manual Config Demo
Repo Link, if you want to check the demos fork and clone the repo and test the apps locally
This demo showcases how to use RefineryAdFactory
with each adFormat and also illustrates how quick, in terms of lines of code added, you can add monetization to the app. One activity has all the formats by pressing the each format button and showing it in a programmatically created wrapper.
If required for showcasing each special format, there will be an activity for each one, such as Infinite Scroll. These do not have any more formats than the one it’s suppose to show.
The fake data could come from our Database to test delay times but only if you have an api key, for the api key you need to make an account.
First on initialization, we obtain the data from Fake data built into the SDK using the setDebug()
method and the initialize()
method, this data just contains all of the ConfigBuilder
demo data, in production this will come from our DB.
Now, in the MainActivity, we create the wrapper programmatically as in the guide of /wiki/spaces/R8P/pages/423821371. Each button of the view is binded to a RefineryAdFactory
Method corresponding to the AdFormat.
We also have the button to delete all cached ads and reset consent, specially for testing purposes.
The Interstitial has the show function immediately after the load event in the lifecycle.
This is not needed to do this in this way it could be in other event, Transitions or View Clicks