1.0.0 - Flutter - Demo App

1.0.0 - Flutter - Demo App

The Demo app is a single-screen app that demonstrates the usage of SDK starting it with “Single Tag” and “Manual initialization“ mods by further showcasing the features of the SDK.

Repo Link, if you want to check the demo check the example.dart file.

Single Tag Config


This demo exemplifies the usage of tags by incorporating the R89Tag widget into the widget tree, for displaying ads or showing interstitials.


The “Single tag” configuration mode is the fastest way to start displaying advertisements in the app. This requires simply putting the single-line R89Tag widgets into the widget tree, and providing according tags to them. Later provided tags can be configured remotely.

The SINGLE TAG INITIALIZE button press will start the initialization process in the single-tag-configuration mode. It calls initializeInAutomaticMode() and provides InitializationEvents to track the initialization process by listening to

  • onInitializationFinishedCallback for successful initialization

The SDK will fetch the built-in mocked data if theR89SDK.setDebug() is enabled.

Before the initialization R89SDK.singleTagConfiguration is used to set up fake data, which configures the tags and transitions for target routes/screens locally. In production, this information will come from our Database.

After successful initialization, the R89Tag widgets will start to display banner and video outstream advertisements.

By tapping on “INTERSTITIAL ON TAP EVENT“ the interstitial will be displayed, and only after closing the interstitial the tap event will be delegated to the R89Tag widget’s child.

Transition interstitials will be displayed on navigating from the initial to the “FeaturesList“ route and back.

The “FeaturesList“ demonstrates the usage of R89Tag within the ListView.

Manual Config


This demo showcases how to use RefineryAdFactory with each adFormat incorporating R89Banner and R89Outstream widgets and also illustrates how quickly, in terms of lines of code added, you can add monetization to the app.


The MANUAL CONFIG INITIALIZE button press will start the initialization process in the manual configuration mode. It calls initializeInManualMode and provides InitializationEvents to track the initialization process by listening to

  • onInitializationFinishedCallback for successful initialization

The SDK will fetch the built-in mocked data if theR89SDK.setDebug() is enabled.

After successful initialization, the ads should appear on the screen. R89Banner and R89OutStream at the bottom of the screen, and R89InfiniteScrollAd in the scroll content.

The SHOW BANNER INTERSTITIAL AD and SHOW VIDEO INTERSTITIAL AD buttons will display an interstitial ad by launching a new modal screen on top of Flutter’s host screen.


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