1.0.0 - Flutter - Ad Formats

1.0.0 - Flutter - Ad Formats

Supported Ad Formats

Flutter SDK supports the following ad formats

  • AdFormat.banner: Rectangular advertisements that remain visible on the screen during user interaction with the application, and have the ability to refresh automatically after a specified duration.

  • AdFormat.videoOutStreamBanner: Video ads within a banner, that stay on the screen as users interact with the app, refreshing automatically after a certain period.

  • AdFormat.interstitial: Full-screen ads that appear until the user closes. They're best used at natural pauses in the flow of an app's execution, such as in between levels of a game or screen-to-screen navigation.

  • AdFormat.infiniteScroll: Ads load dynamically as users scroll through content, and dynamically display banner or videoOutStreamBanner ads based on the item's position within the scroll view.

Test Ids

All the testing values can be found within the ConfigBuilder class. In the table below, the format names are linked to their respective test IDs.

Format name

Test Id

Format name

Test Id





Infinite Scroll




Video Interstitial


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