1.0.0 - Flutter - Manual Initialization

1.0.0 - Flutter - Manual Initialization

Check a full implementation in the Demo Apps (TODO link) section.

How it works?

We fetch all unit configurations from our Database and you simply need to use one of the built-in ad widgets. The usage looks as follows:

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) => Scaffold( appBar: ..., body: Column(children: [ ... R89Banner( configurationId: <provided-banner-config-id>), ... ],), );

Check Ad formats to see how to do it with each format.

What is needed?

  1. Get started by creating an account with us. Contact us to initiate the process and provide all the necessary information listed below.

  2. Add the Initialization code.

  3. Follow our ad format guides for their implementation.

  4. Your app is now prepared for monetization with us.

Information we require about your app

  • Which formats do you intend to utilize? If you're unsure about the formats, please refer to their dedicated pages or reach out for assistance by contacting us.

  • Store Link (Google or Apple one).

  • Domain of the app. E.g.: http://www.refinery89.com .

  • (Optional) Desired App Keywords.


At the end of the example you can find a template for production here.

If you are in Debug mode, please add these lines before any of the R89SDK.initialize. Marking the SDK as Debug will make the SDK use ConfigBuilder IDs and data.

R89SDK.setLogLevel(LogLevel.debug); R89SDK.setDebug();

Example in the Demo

Use R89SDK.initialize method for the auto initialization by providing publisherId and appId.

@override void initState() { super.initState(); // Add for debug R89SDK.setLogLevel(LogLevel.debug); R89SDK.setDebug(); // Auto initialization R89SDK.initialize( publisherId: "TestRefinery89ID", appId: "TestAutoConfigDemoApp"); }


R89SDK.initialize( publisherId: <YOUR PLUBLISHER ID>, appId: <YOUR APP ID>);


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